Iraqi delegation arrives in Marivan for economic talks
Mar 01, 2022
Iraqi delegation arrives in Marivan for economic talks
An Iraqi delegation headed by the governor of Sulaymaniyah traveled to Marivan to hold talks with the secretary of the Supreme Council of Free Trade, Industrial and Special Economic Zones and the governor of Kurdistan.

A delegation from the Iraqi Kurdistan region headed by the governor of  Sulaymaniyah Heval Abubakir arrived in the western Iranian city of Marivan on Monday to meet with Iranian economic officials including the secretary of the Supreme Council of Free and Special Economic Zones, Saeed Mohammad who is visiting the western Iranian province of Kordestan. 

The Iraqi delegation entered Iran after crossing the iBashmaq international border crossing near the border town of Marivan.

The Iranian and Iraqi delegation will likely sign a memorandum of understanding on establishing a shared free trade zone on the shared border between Iran and Iraqi Kurdistan.

The acting deputy governor of Kordestan for economic affairs Kamal Hosseini told reporters that "The visit of the Iraqi delegation is in line with a previously signed MoU between Kordestan governor office and the Iraqi Kurdistan region and Sulaimaniyah province,"

Hosseini added that the Iraqi Kurdish side has already expressed readiness to invest in the Baneh and Marivan special economic zone.

He expressed hope that a memorandum of understanding will be signed with Iraq to establish a joint free zone to lay the ground for further development of the region.

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